How Will You Spend Your Treasure?

.Years ago I got an unexpected check for $40 in the mail. I didn’t want to spend it on bills or groceries, but instead on something unexpected and spontaneous. I think I bought a new comforter. Then 2 weeks later I spent that same extra $40 on something else, a jacket. A month later, I bought a crockpot. I picked up this habit from my sister, unconsciously spending the same birthday money from her sister in law over and over again. Once I started budgeting my money through a really helpful app and I became responsible for every purchase, I can’t pay tricks on myself anymore.

This weekend I was traveling during the Daylight Savings time change. I went to sleep on Chincoteague Island on Saturday night and woke up Sunday with an extra hour to spend. We awoke at 5:30 am (6:30 am for my body) and drove to the ocean to catch the sunrise. Then we spent all day doing the math about what time it really was because of all of the clocks that hadn’t changed (the one in the car, the clocks in the rental house). It was an amazingly full day of friendship and laughter and connection and before I knew it, midnight had arrived. The next morning I woke up ready to spend my extra hour again. But it was gone. How DID I spend it? Because I couldn’t pinpoint which activity occupied that extra hour, it felt lost.

Today’s a new day at the beach house and once again I’m trying to figure out how to spend my extra hour. The one I spent yesterday. but somehow I think is due to me again. Then it hits me. Every moment I spend is a gift. A treasure. I have this slice of time off from work in a place where I can choose how to focus my time without the distractions of everyday life. How will I spend this time? How will you spend your treasure?

Adrenaline Rush

On June 27, 2020, Olivia Anderson went on her 67th freefall airplane jump. Things did not go as planned for Olivia, with major injuries, including a broken back. But it did not break her spirit. She spent the following year working hard toward her goal for the one year anniversary of the accident, to jump out of an airplane once again. On June 27, 2021, Olivia performed a tandem skydive jump and kicked some serious June 27th ass!

On June 28, 2021, Judy Aguirre found the video from the day before and watched in awe as Olivia did that tandem jump, and it started the spark that turned into the fire. Judy rushed online to search out a skydiving facility nearby that had the skills to take someone like her, a quadriplegic, on a tandem jump. Skydiving was something her family has wanted to do together for years.

On July 24, 2021, Judy and her husband X and her 2 grown sons Nicolas and Diego all tandem jumped, realizing that family dream. Judy described it as “simply amazing, a pure adrenaline rush.” The story of the jump and the wonderfully accommodating staff at WNY Skydiving School in Albion, NY can be found in this article on

Today I want to talk about how I am a very proud sister. Waiting all day for the jump video to post, when it finally did I watched it three times, crying every time. Hearing her say she wasn’t the least bit scared, seeing her smile from ear to ear, and watching her fist bump her son after she landed. I’m not crying, you’re crying! I’ve watched Judy conquer feat after amazing feat, working hard for every small gain over these last 12 years. Her determination is only outshone by her optimism and sunny outlook, something that has helped her in the mentoring of others who have found themselves in similar circumstances. As a member and vice president of the Syracuse Spinal Association here in Syracuse, she is able to do what she’s always meant to do, encouraging and helping others find joy in their own lives. She inspires me every day.

The Syracuse Spinal Association is having their annual fundraiser on September 25, 2021 from 12pm to 4pm at the Liverpool Elks Lodge. Stop in for food and live music and raffles and have some fun!!

Please Celebrate Me Home

A roaring fire, twinkling lights, talking about holiday memories, a cold drink, frosted cut out cookies, holiday music in the background. This scene is so familiar for most of us. But this year, 2020, is different. For me, the fire is streaming on Netflix, the conversations are on text threads on my phone, and the cookies were left on my porch by my sweet sister, who knows I don’t have time to bake this time of year. And I am alone. So many people are #inexileforthegoodoftherealm (the hashtag my mom has been using for months on her social media, the most consistent contact she’s had with the outside world since March.) This is most definitely a holiday season like no other.

Last night was our Christmas Eve family Zoom call. My youngest sister posed a question of the group, “What was your most memorable Christmas gift?” And from the very youngest to the oldest, we gave our answer. My sister said one of hers was a box of Wheat Thins, and then we each shared what we received the year my parents wrapped up each of our favorite snacks as presents. Then my brother shared that his favorite was the galvanized steel garbage can he got when he was little, because he loved Oscar the Grouch and my mom told the story about how that Christmas he was in his garbage can with his flashlight and the rest of us were in an upstairs closet watching our Easy Show movie projector, and her parents came in and were stunned when they didn’t see any children (with 6 of us, we were hard to miss!) As the oldest sibling, I had some time to consider my answer and I changed it twice. When it was my turn I shared that when I was in my 20’s, my mom had made a cloth rabbit for Barbara, our Spanish exchange student. I told her I would really love one, so she made me one for Christmas, with an extra set of clothes so I could change it up. Everyone was really thoughtful with their answers and it was a wonderful way to share our holiday memories.

I have spent many Christmases alone, by choice. Despite their best intentions, I often felt left out and alone at family gatherings when my siblings all shared about the gifts they had received from in-laws and spouses, not realizing that I had not received any gifts that year from anyone. So at first, spending Christmas alone was a ‘head in the sand’ response for me, trying to will away the holiday. Then one year I went away for the weekend (well, 5 minutes away) in a hotel, ordering room service and sleeping in and reading books in bed. After that, every Christmas has been all me time and I love it!! Mimosas and lounging around in my Christmas pjs and watching holiday movies (or The Godfather) is now my usual routine. This year is no exception.

But for a lot of people, holidays depicted in Norman Rockwell paintings of yesteryear simply do not exist.  This spending time alone on Christmas is not a new concept for many people in our world. Blended families and fractured families needed to get creative to have time together and try and feel festive, and spent more time than they may like by themselves. So many people are alone because of geography or legal situations or family drama. Many people have careers or part time jobs that require them to work on a holiday. And for some, their mental or physical illnesses do not allow for gatherings, too exhausted or frayed to even think about spending time with people. And for others, financial difficulties preclude them from having a celebration that is usually taken for granted by so many.

So, 2020 has given us a unique holiday, with porch visits and zoom calls and family time and empty seats at a usually full table. Possibly some new traditions and family game night and jigsaw puzzles or reading books for hours on end. There are unexpected blessings that will come from this holiday season, with us finding new ways to connect and celebrate family and friends and community, and even ourselves. And one of the blessings this season, I think, is an inside look into what holidays are like for those who are usually alone, or live with chronic illness, or cannot afford basic necessities. And maybe it will give us the gift of patience and compassion for people who don’t live in a Christmas card tableau. Those who need our help or acceptance. Those who give of themselves selflessly. And maybe that will be the greatest gift of all. And if we can just stay the course and wear our masks and do our part by getting the vaccine so that everyone can be safe.  We can all imagine what Kenny Loggins feels when he is singing “Please Celebrate Me Home.”  Happy Christmas and God bless us, every one!





Listening to Scott Jameson on Santa 102, all Christmas music all the time, I drove down the highway toward my first stop on my Thanksgiving tour. My Mom made squash rolls and I was supposed to deliver them to my sister Jen. I gave Mom a bottle of wine, a ramekin of pumpkin pie innards, and the Obama book that came out last week, Promised Land. She gave me rolls for my sister Jen, a couple for my sister Judy, and one for my dad. I went to Jen’s to drop off the rolls, and picked up pieces of pecan pie for me and my dad. Then I dropped off to my Dad stuffing I had made, 2 pieces of pumpkin pie I had made from scratch, the squash roll, and the pecan pie. Then I dropped off to my sister Judy a bowl of stuffing and the squash rolls, as well as pumpkin pie for my sweet Diego. And that’s what it’s like to celebrate Thanksgiving in quarantine. Driving around town making sure everyone has what they need to get through the holiday. It almost seemed like more work than it was to get together!

This holiday is different from any other in recent years. Most of those in my circle of family and friends want to keep those they love safe. For them it means keeping to their own households and not spreading potential virus germs.  I wore a mask and stood 6 feet apart, outside in some cases, as I delivered essentials to my family. Then saw them without masks hours later on a Zoom call, Wednesday night because I think that Zoom and the internet will break on Thanksgiving with everyone virtually eating dinner together. And this is the COVID holiday.

People are really focused on what they are losing this year, not being able to spend time with family. But yet there are so many families who really HAVE lost so much! I was all ready to write a post about keeping people safe this year and that everyone should wear their damn masks and stay home. We could have a different holiday next year if we could all be responsible now. It’s easy for me to say, spending time alone, having spent many Thanksgivings in recent years by myself, drinking mimosas and watching movies. I will definitely miss our more recent band tradition of celebrating Friendsgiving, dining on traditional Thanksgiving fare and then having a rousing game of Cards Against Humanity.

Follow the science. Look at the numbers. I have people in my life that have lost family to this virus, and it keeps creeping closer and closer. Keep people safe these next few days so we can live to celebrate another day. Be grateful that you have love and happiness in your life, and keep those people safe. Happy Thanksgiving!


The Day After

The sun is shining this morning. My usually upbeat mom woke to a nightmare. My squad text thread has been silent. And what did I do when I woke up this morning? I drew a map (OK, of course I didn’t draw a map! I can’t draw!), I mean, I made a list of all the states not accounted for and started adding up electoral college votes. This will be my touchstone for the next few days, as I continue to hope for a Biden win.

I have seen a lot of posts saying that this race should never even have been this close. But the fact that the country is so divided, and that so many good people (yeah, I said it) are willing to put their vote behind a man who has been shown to lie and cheat and steal is so troubling to me. This man who has proven to have a very sketchy ethical and moral compass. This man who has maligned and made fun of just about every group of people ever, unless you are a rich white male. And people voted for him. Many, many people. Not because they also want to keep down all those different people (although some do) but because they followed the numbers presented to them and voted with their wallets and perhaps didn’t listen to their hearts. Their lives are good, and some have turned a blind eye to all that Trump and his cronies have done to the people of this country to get them there, to the place where the good life is. 

This country and its citizens are in serious trouble. Do not mistake this for drama or sour grapes. Our faith is shaken. Our humanity is lost. Instead of lending a helping hand, many are saying, “You should do what I did. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.”, not realizing that the shoes they have don’t even have soles or shoelaces. We need to do better. We need to be better.

My dad told me the other day that my siblings and I were lucky because we didn’t have to fight for anything, that he and my mom did the protesting and fighting against injustice back in the day. Well, Dad, looks like we will get our shot at this. Because no matter which side wins, we all need to start fighting for each other, support each other, and figure out how to just be human to each other. While you are waiting to see what the outcome is, start preparing yourself for what we need to do to get our humanity back and to help those in our country who deserve to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Rise up!

One Day More

Election Eve. Both sides are anticipating a celebration. I am afraid that won’t be coming tomorrow night, or even Wednesday morning. We have a long road ahead of us no matter what happens at the polls, time fraught with tension and fear and perhaps violence. So what do we do in the meantime?

These last few days, I have turned to prayer to help me deal with my unfocused anxiety. God invoked in politics is nothing new, I know that people on either side think that God is with them and that they are right. We would be arrogant to think otherwise. My prayers tonight are for my higher power to touch the hearts of people, hoping they will listen to the goodness in their hearts and choose people for office that will uplift the people they are swearing to represent.

So let me talk about the God I pray to, the one who, for me, represents goodness for every human. I believe that he/she wouldn’t want black people being murdered by people sworn to uphold the law. They wouldn’t want families who are escaping horrible situations to be torn apart at the border and children living locked up. They wouldn’t want people feeling less than because of who they authentically are. They wouldn’t want people living with hunger and homelessness. And they would want us to be kinder to each other. 

I am not placing blame here, looking at leaders whether they are Democrat or Republican, trying to figure out who wrote and voted for which policies who have gotten us where we are. Our country is in the dumpster, I think everyone can agree on that, whether you are focused on the economy or COVID or basic human rights. We are in a jam, and have been for many years. We need strong and compassionate leaders to help us out of this unholy mess. All of us, not just groups that have always experienced privilege. The under-represented and marginalized citizens deserve our attention and compassion and they deserve leaders who listen to them and vote to make their lives better. 

So please, God, look on your children tonight and give them the grace to do what they need to do in order to bring back grace and kindness and equality. Please help them to respond to each other with kindness and compassion. And give me the grace to look at my life of privilege and help me to figure out how to make our world a better place. Amen.

I’m Doin’ Alright

I was sitting on the deck with my mom, soaking up the sun on this gorgeous Indian summer day. She laughed out loud. “How come you have never told me about this flipping stuff? Is that really a thing?” after I explained that at the bookstore I am constantly flipping books back that customers flip over when they do not agree with the subject matter. This has been happening with greater frequency the closer we get to election day. So much for free speech. I loved that I could make her laugh so hard over something so silly.

I went to visit her on a whim. It was a warm, sunny day and I know I won’t get many more of those. She is #inexileforthegoodoftherealm (her hashtag for 6 months now) and will not be having us in her house, and won’t be coming into any of ours. It has been so hard not hugging us for the better part of 6 months now (she did sneak a few in back in June when the NYT published an article about how to do it safely.) Her mind is swirling with thoughts about how she will be able to get through the next 7 months of cold weather, keeping her spirits up while not getting time to spend time with the people in her life who she loves. She just made an appointment today so she can go to Mass in person in a couple of weeks. No one could have imagined the life she is living right now. And still, she persists. With grace and optimism.

When people meet my mom it’s easy to see that she’s where I get my positive attitude (my snarkiness I get from my sisters.) I think it’s important on World Mental Health Day to say that I’m doin’ alright (to quote Joe Cocker) thanks to the skills I cultivated growing up in our family. With so many people in crisis and despair, isolated and lonely, and filled with anxiety, I know how lucky I am to have my family and friends in my life, even though it is outdoor picnics and Zoom happy hours. Pandemic meltdowns, seasonal depression all year round, people grieving and mourning losses not imagined a year ago…that is our life now. But I’m doin’ alright.

I know I have it easier than most. I have a job that was not interrupted at all during the last 6 months. I am at work 5 days a week with people I enjoy working with, so I have human contact. I have my health. And I have Friday night Zoom happy hours with my band wife family. And outdoor visits with my actual family. I have been able to take writing classes throughout all of this. My house is comfortable, even if it’s a bit messy because what the hell, I am not having anyone over anyway.

With all of this, there are still times when loneliness or anxiety creeps in. Let’s face it, for most of us it’s a scary world out there right now. It’s easy to get caught up in the media stories and become overwhelmed with all the injustice, bullying, and violence. The uncertainty of where the USA will end up and what the country’s place in the global community will be. Sometimes I want to crawl under a blanket and not come out.

I am here to tell you that it’s OK to be sad. Mad. Anxiety ridden. Depressed. Exhausted. These are normal feelings, especially during this crazy time, and when there is not an definitive end in sight. Feel your feelings, but also try to determine what you need to fill your bucket. Do everything you can to find your joy. Make those connections that will help carry you through to the next phase. Everyone needs help sometimes. Please, please ask for it and seek it out. And don’t be afraid to ask for help professionally. I know. I spent thousands of dollars on counseling school and I sought professional mental health and I am better for it. Really!

And if you are someone who is not doing alright, reach out. I don’t have answers, but I can make you laugh!! And that will move the needle toward optimism. And joy.


Could We Start Again, Please?

2020 has been a year like no other. No need to go into all the disturbing and disheartening details. There have been so many ups and downs in my life, bottoming out some of the time and starting to climb up other times. Everyone is currently living a version of this.

So here I am trying to climb up again. New month, new purpose. Full moon. Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose, as that cutie Kyle Chandler used to say in Friday Night Lights. I will look at each day in October with clear eyes and move through my day filling my heart. Then I feel like I would be ready to help others fill their hearts. That is one of the real challenges that I think so many of us are facing, how to help those around us with the anxiety and fear and loneliness and isolation that we are all dealing with. Thousands of dollars spent going to counseling school hasn’t helped me out with my own depression, and I haven’t felt able to help others with theirs.

So I am going to start small. I will spend time writing every day, for just 20 minutes a day. I will spend another 10 minutes every day being quiet, just sitting with myself with whatever emotions come bubbling to the surface. And I will commit to using my new and most favorite tool, my Everyday Joy journal.

I have been using this journal for a few weeks now, here and there. It was written to be used for 90 consecutive days and although it has brought me some joy and clarity, I have not been using every day. This will change during October. The Everyday Joy Journal was created by author Alexis Pierce to help navigate a tough time in her life, and it has in turned helped others. It has helped me to learn how to live each day, not just wait for the weekend or the next special occasion. It has given me the courage to get through countless days these last couple of months. We will have copies shortly at my Barnes & Noble, and I would encourage you to check it out at (this is how serious I am, mentioning the competitor!!)

I will post things in my life that are bringing me joy. Today it was going out for burgers with my nephew and friend, Diego. He makes me smile and laugh and gives the greatest hugs (don’t worry, it was safe). I hope that you find things in your life that are bringing joy for you. I would encourage you to share those things with those in your life who you love. It is what will get us through.

Almost Half My Life

25 years at Barnes & Noble. I did the math, that’s over 5700 shifts! And how can I sum up my time there so far? Thousands of customers, and hundreds of thousands of books. Release parties and power outages and celebrities and hundreds of cups of coffee. And so very many coworkers, many who have become friends.


I got to meet and spend time with Anne Lamott, who wrote Bird By Bird, the first writing book I’d ever read. She is easily one of my favorite authors. She arrived later than expected into Syracuse for the Rosamond Gifford Lecture Series and we had her pre-sign some books in her hotel room beforehand. Although exhausted, she was gracious and fun while I held open each title page for her black sharpie signature.

Then there was the time we almost broke William Styron! He was doing a talk and signing and started feeling ill. We had to get him to the employee break room and call 9-1-1. Spoiler alert, he ended up being fine. I had a really great conversation about bookstores with Jean Stapleton when she was in town doing a play at Syracuse Stage. And I got up the nerve once and asked Stephen Stills if he needed help finding anything. He didn’t.

December 23 is one of the busiest days of the year for us at the bookstore. For a few years it was also the day Viggo Mortensen would make an appearance to do some DVD shopping before heading north to spend Christmas with his family. The first time it happened it was 10:50 pm and I was running register to help clear the building for the night. I asked, “Do you have a membership?” and the man gave me his phone number. “Mortensen?” I asked, realizing half a beat afterwards who I was talking to. He just smiled and paid. The next summer I was tracking a lost book for him. I had to ask him to repeat himself several times because he is just as soft spoken as he was as Walker Jerome in A Walk On The Moon, my fave Viggo movie, about the summer of ’69 at a resort in the Catskills. If you enjoyed Dirty Dancing, look it up

Many years ago one of my coworkers had recently retired from Time Magazine and came to work with us to learn how to run a bookstore. Bill Reilly then opened the river’s end bookstore in Oswego. My dad, my friend Katie, and I drove up there one day to help him unload his Ingram Distribution starter shipment and we helped him organize the books on the new empty shelves. 22 years later, that indie bookstore is still thriving and I love to stop in to visit with Bill, who always tells this story at independent bookstore conferences so they don’t think badly about the big box stores. 

Special events and release parties have been really fun. We had several midnight parties for the later books in the Harry Potter Franchise, a cool party when the DVD release of the first Frozen movie came out, and a prom theme for one of the Twilight books (I can’t remember which one). Each of these gatherings were made special by the extra work and fun that the booksellers put into them. From decorations and costumes to endless energy and enthusiasm, these dedicated employees delighted everyone who attended. That’s one of the things I admire most about the people I work with. They want success and put so much work into events like these to make it so.

I am so grateful for the caring supportive environment I have been a part of for 25 years. I love working with the booksellers on my staff. I found out how much when we closed our doors in March and the staff were furloughed for a bit. We have brought back some but not all and it feels incomplete without everyone there, like waiting for my friends to make it to the party. They all bring gifts and talents that make us one of the best retailers in the country and I am blessed. I can’t say here’s to 25 more, but I can say I will be around to sell many more books!!


I’m Not Crying, You’re Crying.

10 weeks ago, when quarantine started, I thought I would get so much done. I had reduced hours at work and wasn’t able to be with my family and friends, and there would be time for everything: reading, writing, housework. I would post in my blog and take classes and get that kitchen floor scrubbed. And then it happened. Or more to the point it didn’t happen. I sat around at night weary from the listless days. I binged for hours on Netflix and Hulu and even Youtube. I snacked because I needed comfort food to get me through this trying time. There were no blog posts and even the homework from classes I took to stay motivated was left undone. My house projects just sat there because it didn’t matter anyway, who was coming into my house? No one. I did the bare minimum, dishes and laundry and shopping trips for my mom and my dad, spending much more on groceries than usual because I had to be sure we had enough food to forego extraneous grocery store trips.

10 weeks ago, I had my last normal weekend. It was the weekend before St. Paddy’s Day. The band played a double header. First they played a surprise birthday party for a friend in the afternoon. Then we knew the wave was about to hit us, and that we may be taking a chance, but we went ahead with the gig at The Western Ranch. Eric loaded in all of his own gear (no easy feat for a drummer) so that contact would be minimal. Somehow we knew this would be the last weekend we would be eating out, and sitting with each other, and listening to live music. When we all said goodbye that evening, it was really hard.

It’s been a long 10 weeks but I have made it through relatively unscathed. I was able to keep working, albeit at reduced hours. It’s been kinda exciting actually, getting ready to open our doors again to an entirely redesigned bookstore. I can say this because the younger stronger members of our staff have been doing all the hard labor! My parents live locally, so I have been able to see them at a distance and make sure they have whatever they need to be more comfortable during their own quarantine. I have been able to wave hello to friends when dropping off or picking things up. My life hasn’t really been disrupted, but I am sad about cancelled vacations and parties that have also been cancelled for everyone else.

I miss the hugs. And the gatherings. And live music. But I hesitate to say I miss my freedom. I think that is a loaded word right now and the truth is that I do have freedom. And I choose to wear my mask and limit my errands. And make do with what I have without shopping for things I may not need. Those who talk about having their freedoms taken away perplex me. How is wearing a mask to keep people safe different from wearing a seat belt to keep safe? Why is it someone’s constitutional right to have a haircut or a manicure? I am as shaggy and gray as everyone else. But that means we are all in the same boat. Yes, I am speaking from a place of privilege because I have a paycheck coming in and am able to pay my bills. I get that. I know there is a lot of suffering out there, people not getting paid and losing their small businesses. But I just can’t seem to equate that with the loss of life we have suffered in this country, 100,000+ to date. And I can’t ignore the stories out of the hospitals and COVID units, people unable to breathe and in great pain.

For 10 weeks I have pushed down my sadness and despair. I have used food and alcohol and Netflix to distract me from my feelings. Then today I saw a car parade from a local elementary school staff on Facebook. One of many that have been posted during the COVID crisis. I don’t know why this one struck me. But as I watched the video made by that birthday friend I haven’t seen since my last normal day, seeing car after decorated car drive by her house, hearing her say, “I have to go get my glasses, I just can’t stop crying,” I started to sob. Crying for all the schoolkids that couldn’t go to school and see their friends and teachers,  those juniors and seniors who now have to reimagine what their futures will look like, those families that cannot see and hug each other, those people who lost loved ones to this illness and those who will continue to suffer as we go along in June and July, people suffering for the poor decisions made by others. All I can hope for is that those that I love stay safe and healthy. And that we can find a vaccine so then the world can be safe and healthy. I’m not crying, you’re crying.

Photo credit: selfie taken of my mask by my mom, Carole Horan. It was made from material left over from a dress she made me when I was just a wee one.